Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Darn Those Pants....

Harley was trying to fill her arms as full as she could get them with books the other day, but she kept dropping them---right along with her pants! She'll despise me one day for posting these cute pictures, but bless the sweet little girls heart! What a cutie ;)

A Very Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas this year (as we do every year). We got a lot of very nice gifts and had a great time seeing all our friends and family.

Christmas Eve with her new baby doll.

Loving every second of her dry-erase marker board table. Pay close attention to the Christmas morning "bed head" and "chocolate mustache"! They took a lot of work! What a fun girl!

Spoiled girl! We had to clear a spot in the living room just so we could fit all of her Christmas treasures in for a quick picture. They're only little once right!

Taking good care of her baby doll. She's going to be a big help with her new sister!

Surprise.....more Elmo!

Ward Christmas Party

Harley had a blast at the Ward Christmas Party this year. She got up on stage and sang "Jingle Bells" and "Once There Was A Snowman" with all her friends from Nursery. She was very excited to see Santa. She told him she wanted a baby for Christmas!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Cutest Kids

Grandma Jan bought Harley and Cameron matching shirts for pictures. As you can imagine, we had quite the time getting them to cooperate for us while we snapped a few shots. We managed to get a few though. Are they not just the cutest little kids EVER!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Invasion

As you can see by these pictures, we are literally being INVADED by grasshoppers. When we walk through the grass, it looks like it is moving because there are so... many. We have tried poison flakes and spray (as much as we dare with Harley around). It kills a lot of them, but not near enough. On hot days, they just cover the roads and anything else they can find. They are lousy on our sidewalks and on the skirting of the house and shop. Harley and I constantly are digging smashed grasshoppers out of our toes from wearing flip-flops. Gross!! A week or so ago they sprayed by airplane. Finally, we are seeing a little relief from the nasty pests!


For my Mom's birthday we went boating on Sandwash. It was a beautiful day! We enjoyed everything from kneeboarding and wakeboarding to swimming and fishing. We had a fun time together!

Harley's "big girl" bed!

Picnicing at Rock Creek. Harley was a great help gathering wood and loved to throw it in the fire by herself!

Messy girl! Uncle Jacob H. taught her how much fun it is to play in mud puddles! Thanks Jacob :)
Harley' s new baby kitty "Abby"
Uncle Dan and Harley with their new kittens.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Catching Up

As many of you can probably relate, April flew by. These are a few of the fun things that we did during the month.

My little brother Jake had a baseball game at the Bee's Stadium in SLC. Harley and I went and watched. It was a gorgeous day. Harley was enjoying the sun in her 'diva' sunglasses.

One evening after Randy got home from work, we rode up to the mountains and had a picnic. We had a fire and roasted hot dogs. Harley had a blast digging in the dirt and sitting around the fire.

Ketchup is not only Harley's new favorite food, but also her favorite hair product!

Coloring Easter eggs with Grandma Diane. Harley's busy little fingers were a lot of help in the blue dye.

The cutest little cousins. Braxton is so sweet to Harley and always loves playing with her. The kids had fun at the Easter egg hunt in Duchesne.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Look

For quite some time, this was "the look" that Harley so generously shared with everyone. Anyone who talked to her was pretty shocked to receive this in return for their social efforts! What a girl. This look has passed now and we are onto another. The latest one I don't have a picture of but it's so cute. She scrunches her little nose and just kind of looks at you like, "Are you stupid"? We'll see how cute it is when she's 16 and gives us that look!

Typical Spring

For the past few days now, it has been snowing. Yes---snowing! I'm struggling with it and I'm not sure why. I have lived here all of my life and know that this happens every year, but still, I don't particulary like it. Harley begs and begs to go outside and play everyday. If it isn't snowing, then the wind is blowing and it is too cold. She has learned to go to my closet and bring me my shoes so we can go. I think we are both getting "spring fever". This morning at 1:45 a.m. we were awaken to the phone ringing. It was one of Randy's co-workers calling to see if he could go to work. So, at 2:00 a.m. he leaves and didn't get home until 3:00 p.m. (yeah--13 hours)! The snow was so wet and heavy that it had weighed the powerlines down to where some were touching and causing all sorts of problems. He made it home safely though and is sleeping now. Hopefully he won't get called out again tonight. It's snowing as we speak so it's possible. I guess instead of complaining about the snow I just need to be thankful for it. I'll be glad for it when we have something to drink come summer time!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Doggie Door

Here we have Harley demonstrating to Shya how to use the so called "doggie door". The bottom screen is missing on the door and Harley finds it a prime opportunity to make a quick escape anytime anyone opens it. As you can imagine, we would need a super-sized "doggie door" to get that big dog in and out of the house. Thank heavens she stays outside. In the meantime, Harley will keep showing her how convenient it is to go in and out as you please!
"See big dog, it's simple! One second your in, the next your out."

What He's Been "UP" To!

As you can see, this is what Randy has been "UP" to lately. Scary huh! He's loves it though. These pictures were taken out in Strawberry the first part of this month.
Sure hope he's careful. We need him around :)

This is Moon Lake Electric's newest addition--a toy! I'm sure all the guys love going out on a job when they get to play on this, considering that it makes the snow a lot more fun to be out in.

Monday, February 16, 2009

: ) Thermopolis Vacation ( :

We had a blast in Thermopolis this weekend. I think this has just become an annual (probably more like a semi-annual) vacation for the family. We even got Grandpa & Grandma Hanberg to come with us! It was so fun to have them there. Amazingly enough Grandpa let down his hair and went on the water slide with the boys. This was not your typical water slide either. You had to climb like six flights of stairs to the top of a tower where you then had to sit in freezing cold water to start down the slide. What a "trooper" he is. You gave us a good laugh "Gramps" and we're glad you came with us! Grandma was a lot of fun too. She stuck right with us while we played in the water for hours. She even had a massage while we were there which hopefully she enjoyed. As for the rest of us, I probably speak for us all when I say it was so much fun to escape the cold snowy weather (even though it was cold and snowy there too) and enjoy the warm mineral waters. Harley and Cameron had a blast on the slides with their dads and seemed to enjoy the warm waters too. Thanks again Wayne & Jan for the trip. We had so much fun!

We just couldn't get enough excitement while on vacation so we had to squeeze bowling in too. As you can see, "Little Miss Independent" wanted to bowl, but she wanted to do it by herself!! She wanted to run down the lanes so bad so it was a full time job for everyone to try and keep her out of the way. She was an angel on the trip and had a lot of fun playing with Cameron.

Jan, I hope you won't be too mad about this. You were the only one I was able to get a picture of on the slide. This was the wicked slide I was talking about that Grandpa Hanberg went flying down! Looks fun huh!

Randy, Harley, Grandpa & Grandma

I think we are going to have a ball player. I'm sure that will make her dad and Grandpa Wayne happy!

Harley was worn out by the time we were ready to head home. She didn't even have enough energy to give the camera a smile!

"Go faster Dad, go faster!"

Cam & Greg

How sweet! Harley sharing her kisses with Cameron.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Warm Waters Here We Come!

The cold weather isn't going to get us down! In February we are headed to the hot mineral springs of Thermopolis, WY for a couple of days. We spent a few hours there one day last summer and had a blast. This time we're actually going to spend a few days there and tour around. We can't wait. To go and sit in the hot tubs and warm swimming pools sounds so nice right now compared to the below zero temps we've had the past few days. Wayne, Jan and the boys are going and we are going to meet Greg and Megan there. If everything works out, I even think that Grandpa and Grandma Hanberg might dust off their swimming suits and come too!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

*HaPpY HoLiDaYs*

Our Christmas was great this year (as is every year)! We had lots of fun parties and were able to see family we hadn't seen in awhile. Greg, Megan & Cameron we here from Montana for a few days. It was great to see them and Harley had fun getting to know her cousin Cam. We took these cute family pictures in the freezing cold weather, but it was worth it. We are so grateful for all that we have been blessed with during this special time of year.

We spent New Year's Eve at Shay & Shallan's house with a bunch of friends. The last New Year's party we had, Cuyler and Cassie were the only ones with a baby..... now we all have them. It was fun to get together and let all the babies play and see each other. After they went to sleep we were able to play a few games and visit a little for ourselves. As you can see in this picture, Harley woke up shortly after midnight to ring in the new year and have her picture taken!!! That's our little "wild woman" for ya!

The Rust Family----December 2008