Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Doggie Door

Here we have Harley demonstrating to Shya how to use the so called "doggie door". The bottom screen is missing on the door and Harley finds it a prime opportunity to make a quick escape anytime anyone opens it. As you can imagine, we would need a super-sized "doggie door" to get that big dog in and out of the house. Thank heavens she stays outside. In the meantime, Harley will keep showing her how convenient it is to go in and out as you please!
"See big dog, it's simple! One second your in, the next your out."

What He's Been "UP" To!

As you can see, this is what Randy has been "UP" to lately. Scary huh! He's loves it though. These pictures were taken out in Strawberry the first part of this month.
Sure hope he's careful. We need him around :)

This is Moon Lake Electric's newest addition--a toy! I'm sure all the guys love going out on a job when they get to play on this, considering that it makes the snow a lot more fun to be out in.