Friday, April 3, 2009

The Look

For quite some time, this was "the look" that Harley so generously shared with everyone. Anyone who talked to her was pretty shocked to receive this in return for their social efforts! What a girl. This look has passed now and we are onto another. The latest one I don't have a picture of but it's so cute. She scrunches her little nose and just kind of looks at you like, "Are you stupid"? We'll see how cute it is when she's 16 and gives us that look!

Typical Spring

For the past few days now, it has been snowing. Yes---snowing! I'm struggling with it and I'm not sure why. I have lived here all of my life and know that this happens every year, but still, I don't particulary like it. Harley begs and begs to go outside and play everyday. If it isn't snowing, then the wind is blowing and it is too cold. She has learned to go to my closet and bring me my shoes so we can go. I think we are both getting "spring fever". This morning at 1:45 a.m. we were awaken to the phone ringing. It was one of Randy's co-workers calling to see if he could go to work. So, at 2:00 a.m. he leaves and didn't get home until 3:00 p.m. (yeah--13 hours)! The snow was so wet and heavy that it had weighed the powerlines down to where some were touching and causing all sorts of problems. He made it home safely though and is sleeping now. Hopefully he won't get called out again tonight. It's snowing as we speak so it's possible. I guess instead of complaining about the snow I just need to be thankful for it. I'll be glad for it when we have something to drink come summer time!