Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Darn Those Pants....

Harley was trying to fill her arms as full as she could get them with books the other day, but she kept dropping them---right along with her pants! She'll despise me one day for posting these cute pictures, but bless the sweet little girls heart! What a cutie ;)

A Very Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas this year (as we do every year). We got a lot of very nice gifts and had a great time seeing all our friends and family.

Christmas Eve with her new baby doll.

Loving every second of her dry-erase marker board table. Pay close attention to the Christmas morning "bed head" and "chocolate mustache"! They took a lot of work! What a fun girl!

Spoiled girl! We had to clear a spot in the living room just so we could fit all of her Christmas treasures in for a quick picture. They're only little once right!

Taking good care of her baby doll. She's going to be a big help with her new sister!

Surprise.....more Elmo!

Ward Christmas Party

Harley had a blast at the Ward Christmas Party this year. She got up on stage and sang "Jingle Bells" and "Once There Was A Snowman" with all her friends from Nursery. She was very excited to see Santa. She told him she wanted a baby for Christmas!