Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a very fun and eventful Thanksgiving this year! The day before, we went out to Salt Lake to pick up Jacob at the airport who was coming home from South Africa. His plane didn't come in until 10:10 that night. Jacob was our main priority and reason for going out to the city, but Wayne just happened to come across Jazz tickets at work and we couldn't let them go to waste. So, we took a little detour to the Energy Solutions arena before heading to the airport. We had awesome seats at the game! It was so much fun. We picked Jacob up at the airport at 10:12 p.m. (we barely made it) and spent the night in a motel. Thanksgiving day we spent at Grandma and Grandpa Hanberg's house. We had a very nice dinner and enjoyed having Jacob home with us!

Good conversation and good food--- you can't beat that!

Playing at Grandma Hanberg's house.

"How Cute"


CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Why was Jacob in South Africa. That's brave. Your blog looks nice. I'm glad you guys had a nice Thanksgiving.

Lindsay Family said...

Your baby is growing. I love to watch her. What a cutey.